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Hello Visitor, Thanks to visit this blog. Here you can Watch The Angels' Share Movie Online Streaming without Downloading and paying anything. This movie directed by Ken Loach and writed by . The Angels' Share Movie released on Apr 12, 2013 Limited on the Theatres. Now, You can stream this Drama,Comedy movie instantly without survey within 1 hr. 46 min.. Winner of the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film festival, legendary director Ken Loach , one of Britain's most distinguished and respected filmmakers, who makes tough, uncompromising films about a beleaguered working class with poetry and humor, and longtime writing partner Paul Laverty (The Wind that Shakes the Barley, Bread and Roses and My Name is Joe), present an engagingly off-kilter new film, The Angels' Share. Robbie, a young ne'er do well (Paul Brannigan), a broke new father with a good heart is in serious trouble with the law. When he holds his newborn son for the first time, roguish Robbie is determined that the boy will have a better life, one with more opportunities than he has been offered in this insular, blue collar world. But first Robbie must sort out a variety of pressing problems --his girlfriend's family wants to do him harm and run him out of town being first and foremost among them. He is given a lucky break by a judge who shows mercy, granting him community service instead of jail. Here he meets Rhino, Albert and Mo, former petty criminals also down on their luck. (c) IFC Films .If You Like this movie you can streaming The Angels' Share movie without downloading HERE


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The Angels' Share Movie Actor

Paul Brannigan,John Henshaw,Gary Maitland,Jasmin Riggins,William Ruane,Roger Allam,Siobhan Reilly,Charlie Maclean,Daniel Portman,Paul Donnelly

Visitor Rating & Critics For The Angels' Share Movie

User Rating :
User Percentage : %
User Count Like : 2,429
All Critics Rating : 7.3
All Critics Count : 39
All Critics Percentage : 95 %

Genres: : Drama,Comedy
Release: : Apr 12, 2013 Limited

Review For The Angels' Share Movie

An amiable comedy about young Glaswegian roughnecks discovering the world of whisky, "The Angels' Share" finds helmer Ken Loach and long-term screenwriting partner Paul Laverty in better, breezier form than their rebarbative prior effort,
Leslie Felperin-Variety

There is love, laughter and whisky galore in Ken Loach's unusually joyful comedy drama about delinquent Scottish youths defying the odds society has stacked against them.
Stephen Dalton-Hollywood Reporter

Although some of the accents are so thick it's difficult to understand the dialogue (where are the subtitles when we need them?) the performances feel genuine.
Grant Butler-Oregonian

This is as close to a feel-good film as [director] Ken Loach gets, yet he never loses sight or touch with the reality he is so brilliant at capturing on camera.
Jim Schembri-3AW

The Angels' Share is the charming story of four Scottish criminals who find redemption - if not exactly rehabilitation - through alcohol. It may not seem like the typical logline for a heart-warmer; it seems about right for a Ken Loach flick.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

Loach brings a warm-hearted poignancy to this feel-good tale of the more disadvantaged in society who, miraculously, find redemption.
Ed Gibbs-The Sun Herald

I loved this. I walked out of this film just really filled with delight. Ken Loach is such a socially conscious filmmaker.
Margaret Pomeranz-At the Movies (Australia)

The film has a rough and ready look, but the charm of its battler characters shines through and there's plenty to relish here, even though the plot gets more and more improbable the further it proceeds.
David Stratton-At the Movies (Australia)

[Loach's] latest collaboration with screenwriter Paul Laverty proves the pair can pull off a genre entertainment with aplomb when in the mood.
Jake Wilson-The Age (Australia)

Ken Loach does hope' could be the headline a Fleet Street sub might slap on a review of The Angels' Share, in which a young Scot accidentally finds salvation and a way out of his trapped life of crime and misery
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

The spirit and the flesh are willing in this mischievous, bittersweet comedy in which single malt whisky, an ex crim and second chances come together in an interesting blend
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

Finds room for some well-earned warm fuzzies.

If I had to make a comparison, I'd say it is an unlikely pairing of Green Street Hooligans and Sideways.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat

The redemptive path is paved with laughter and charm, mixes mirth with tears beautifully
Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie

It has a spellbinding heft of charm, carrying itself just like a fine whiskey - warm, a little sweet, and unequivocally a joy to return to time and time again.
Shaun Munro-What Culture

There is politics underlying every aspect of this funny, warm-hearted, deftly plotted film, and we fervently wish for the caper planned by this endearing quartet to succeed.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

The feel-good comedy of the summer. Who knew?
Tara Brady-Irish Times

Brannigan is an engaging lead and Henshaw offers light relief, but director Ken Loach, famous for his social realism, and regular writer Paul Laverty struggle to find a balance between the film's comic and serious elements.
Damon Wise-Radio Times

A wee heart-warming dram of Scots spirit ... a rich fermentation of the best of British comedy filmmaking with a greater social agenda.

A whimsical crime caper comedy in the Ealing vein about a bunch of delinquent Glaswegians who pull off a very unlikely heist - think Whisky Galore with sweary Neds instead of twinkling Hebridean islanders.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

It is an uplifting tale of redemption with a hint of politics, which is not overstated.
Alex Zane-Sun Online

Nowhere in the movie is reality short-changed for story effect.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

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